Wanda Gene's Musings on Life, Love and Loving the Quilting Life!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day Two

Hi Y'all!

This is what I finished yesterday on my Teapotz project. Four teapotz. Doesn't look like much progress, does it?

Well, I do have the rest of the week. I estimate that 16 teapotz of various sizes and shapes will complete the small wallhanging that I have in mind. And, wow, this is a fun way to spend the time here.

While I am posting this, here is a couple of pictures of Karen McTavish, my teacher at Road to California last week. Great show and great class with Karen. She demonstrated "The Art of McTavishing," all the while keeping us "in stitches" with her hilarious stories!

Karen talked about what kind of background fills are popular, what is passe.

She demonstrated her special type of longarm swirls that fill backgrounds and other spaces with incredibly beautiful texture.

Here is our "best friends" picture:


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