This is my Principe Borghese (Roma type tomato for drying) that has escaped over the fence! There are even more of this plant on the inside. And both sides are just covered with flowers and small green tomatoes.
This past winter Jerry did a lot of work to make my garden convenient for me, ample in size and protected from critters who might wish to steal the fruits of our hard work. The garden is long and fairly narrow, with a generous walk space dug down the center and built-up sides for planting. The drip system, garden hose, and sink complete this very cool garden.
When he was done, I went to work. Since the soil has not been enriched with amendments prior to this, I decided to plant in bagged organic amendments from the garden store. I started by slashing the bottom of each bag about every inch. This allows the roots to escape the bag---because this is the bottom! I turned the bag over on the other side, removed the plastic from the whole side, placed dripper hose across the center of the bag. I planted my little tomato plants near a dripper emitter and used metal stakes that I made out of 14 gauge wire to keep the drippers where they should be.
This was ***REAL** work, because I planted 44 tomatoes, 8 chile pepper plants, 1 tomatillo, and a few cucumbers. Not all the tomatoes thrived, for reasons unknown, but about 85% of them are trying to take over the world!
Everybody has been asking me for weeks, “When will you start picking ripe tomatoes?” And I have been saying all along, “Before the end of June.” Well, on June 26, I picked my first tomatoes and today I picked a couple more. This is one of the best times of the year for those of us who are passionate about our gardens.